Stay awhile, and listen to my tale of woe... Be more careful with your consoles and games, lest you regret it a few years later.
When I was young I had all these games and systems from SEGA and Nintendo. I didn't really think much of them, so occasionally I'd misplace them and never really kept things organized. I'd toss a controller here, an old game there....I'd ask someone to move them to another spot to make room for other things. I didn't think that about 20 years later, I would end up looking for those old things.
Now the problem is, the people who moved around my stuff are no longer around, so it seems they're all scattered somewhere in my old house (I've since moved out since I got married). There are a few stock rooms in my place and as you can imagine, 20 years is going to build up a ton of junk in those places. Who knows if my old stuff is still there! Maybe the maid threw out some of them!
So why am I obssessing over classic games? , for one thing. I just turned 35 a few weeks ago, too. That and seeing how everything is going digital now, makes you realize that the physical game might be a dying breed in today's world.
And emulation, honestly just never cuts it. The controls never feel right. The way the game looks is just not the same as when you saw it back in the 90's. The original system and its games still have some appeal.
Remember game manuals?
Yup, those are pretty much dead now. Back then, game manuals were tomes, with a lot of useful info and art. Now while I do care about the environment and understand that's why companies are cutting costs, it really reduces the 'art' side of gaming and it makes today's games feel less valuable.
And digital can't hold them in your hands. Which is really something that the people of the future are surely going to miss out on.
So tomorrow I'm going hunting for old Sega Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast and Super NES games at my house. I hope I find something substantial.
And for today's PS3/Xbox 360/PS2 etc. owners....try to keep your stuff organized! One day you'll be like me and completely regret not being more careful.