I've been playing DmC for the past few days and I think it's a fantastic action game. I don't know how Ninja Theory could have prevented the backlash they got for rebooting the franchise....there was really no demand that the Devil May Cry series be redone. That said I've played a big portion of their game and I came to the conclusion that everyone who mocked them originally should apologize, and eat a big plate of crow. The last DMC game I know of, DMC4, sold pretty well. I remember I didn't like how the previous game made you fight the same bosses over and over, and the story was pretty bad, too. In DmC, the story is quite well told, and the cutscenes were alright. I didn't find anything really cringe-worthy; yeah the new game loves to use the 'F' word but it was OK in the context of what was going on. There's also some sort of 'love story' i think, but it isn't as unbearable as DMC4's. Also, I love how creative they were with t...