I got this game a few weeks ago and I'm really enjoying it. As a showcase for the Xbox One it definitely works; it demonstrates what 'next-gen' visuals should be all about. Great art direction, extremely sharp CG level graphics...this game is just beautiful. And it's a first gen game! Imagine how good Xbox One games will get after 2-3 years. It's mind boggling to think about after seeing this game.
The combat reminds me of old games like Golden Axe but with hyper-realistic graphics, great voice acting, sound effects and music. This game is a like a big tribute to major films like 300, Troy and Gladiator...it just has a lot of great moments that make you think back to those films, but---this game manages to have a character all its own. A lot of the action involves button mashing and good timing with QTEs...it just feels good to play. Maybe some would say it's repetitive because there are just a few enemy types but I don't know....have they played Double Dragon? Final Fight? Enemy types in those games are also repetitive and taking them out is always done the same way, but why didn't we complain about repetitiveness back then, and we're complaining about it now? I think the button mashing part --- it is gameplay, so long as you feel that the game gives you good feedback. Compare this game with something as mindless as, say, Dynasty Warriors. In that game, the enemies just literally stand in front of you while you turn them all into Chop Suey. In this one, the enemies fight back and they put up a good fight (perhaps i picked a higher than normal difficulty level, though....but still, I am really enjoying it and it never felt poorly balanced even with the higher setting).
This game is pure entertainment, it's watching a film but really being a part of it, too. There isn't any story branches or decision making, but that's a different genre, this is all about action, action and more action. Maybe don't play it all in one night. Play one chapter a night and you will enjoy the experience.
I read in the news that the developers of this are having rough times financially. Which is a real shame. It isn't their fault....actually the failure of Ryse in the marketplace is what is causing their financial woes, and that failure was really due to Microsoft bungling their launch last 2013. A lot of really good games (include Dead Rising, Forza and this one) were ignored by many gamers because many were really angry with Microsoft and their ridiculous DRM plans. Including me.
I'm glad Don Mattrick is so fired. Ok, he resigned....but still, it's his damn fault that the Xbox brand is messed up right now.
Ryse could have been the new 'Gears of War' for Microsoft. As a first gen game this is far better than Kameo or Perfect Dark was for the 360 way back when. It's well polished for the genre that it's in, and it's really entertaining. I highly recommend this game to anyone considering an Xbox One.