So, a lot of gamers are playing Diablo III right now. I gave the Diablo III 'demo', which came out a few weeks ago, a test run and honestly the gameplay wasn't really that compelling. It felt like a graphically updated version of Diablo II and not much else. I'm not sure if the first part in the demo is also the first part in the full game, but it felt severely lacking in exposition. The old adage 'Here's a big sword, now go kill something' was pretty much Diablo III, at the very least that was my experience with the 'demo'. Maybe I'll try it someday. I just don't feel like spending 3,000+ pesos on it right now. Where is gaming now? I don't really feel any huge interest in any upcoming games. There's Halo 4, sure, but that project feels like a cash-in more than anything, with Bungie giving up on it and basically Microsoft just pushing it so they're guaranteed some money come Christmas-time. There was Street Fighter X Tekken wh...