Here are pics from Day 2 of the WCG 2008 Philippine Finals:
The Finals for Guitar Hero III also took place this afternoon. Here are some pics of the players along with some PINOYXBOX members:
After several rounds of intense Guitar Hero III competition....ScaR (Luis Benesa) and Wuffy (Rafael Formoso) - emerged as the Philippine Champions for GUITAR HERO III! Both are Philippine champions already because it's already guaranteed that they're both going to two international championships, one for the WCG 2008 Asian Championship in Singapore and the other for the WCG 2008 Grand Finals in Germany.
Tomorrow there will be a deciding match between ScaR and Rafael to determine who gets to go to Cologne, Germany for the WCG Grand Finals this November, and who goes to Singapore for the WCG Asian Championship! The first placer for tomorrow's match will be sent to Germany and get to win over 30,000 PESOS in cash and other prizes. The second placer will win a cash prize as well, along with other prizes and the opportunity to compete in Singapore for the WCG Asian Championship this August!
Once again, congratulations to all the players, and to PINOYXBOX for completely dominating the competition for the Xbox 360 for this year's World Cyber Games.
Tomorrow, everyone's invited to attend the WCG FINALS for the final match between ScaR and Rafael. It will be held at 1PM in the afternoon at the SM Mall of Asia.
The awarding ceremonies for all the winners for the games will be at 6:30PM tomorrow. After these awarding ceremonies, Pinoyxbox will announce the winners for its WCG raffle for the players that participated in the xbox 360 events. Everyone who attended the preliminaries is encouraged to attend so that you can claim your prize right there if you win in the raffle. In case a winner isn't there, we'll just find a way to give your prize to you, but it might get delayed since we may have to meet up somewhere so we can give you your prize. If you're interested in getting your raffle prize right away, it's best to be there tomorrow at the SM Mall of Asia during the awarding ceremonies.
Thanks again to all the players that joined the Xbox 360 games for the WCG this year!