Today members of Pinoyxbox (myself included) were part of a shoot for the PINOY GAMERS Show on Channel 76 (Makisig Network, SKYCable). The episode will air on Monday, December 10, 2007 at 6:00PM (and it will be re-aired at various times throughout the week). Pinoyxbox members and moderators were on hand to talk about the community, give advice about the Xbox 360 and other information including the console's Xbox Live features.
Here are some pics/outtake videos from the shoot:
Here's whyme (in green) and papidirk (in black) rockin' it out in Guitar Hero III. Co-op play FTW!
The Pinoy Gamers staff get ready for the shoot.
Scytherage, Kantoboy, Papidirk, and Toinkster (seated at the bottom)
Kantoboy, Whyme, Papidirk, Scytherage and Toinkster, during the interviews
Here are some pics/outtake videos from the shoot:
And here are some hilarious outtakes....
More stuff at the Pinoyxbox thread here:
More stuff at the Pinoyxbox thread here: